But there was kimbop, shrimp chips and chicken for all. And the weather held out. It looked a little like rain but that didn't start until we were safe inside the confines of D & A's batchelor pad that I have to say is pretty darn nice! We had a good chat and some kick-AZZ pizza. I was pretty worn out though after waking up at 6, walking to the batting cage and driving about 6000 won worth of balls left AND right handed, then consuming a box of chicken and five beers at the game so I had a couple pieces of pie and then I was a pumpkin. Judging from this pic I resembled a pumpkin more than I thought. Damn, I need some exercise! And this is AFTER a pretty good calory burning day!
Anyway the Sunday game was rained out but it turned out okay because the Korea/Venezuela game was on. Korea won 10-2! I watched the whole thing. Yoon Suk Min, the Kia Tiger pitcher, got the win too! It was awesome! In Gwangju Yoon Suk Min is known as the smiling ace. On one of the websites I keep up with, which is about Korean baseball, I predicted he'd win 20 games this season for Kia. I hope he wins 25! And he's 21 I think. My only fear is that the major leagues will scoop him up. So I was happy that he let some people hit and gave up 2 runs. Korea vs. Japan in the final! The winner keeps Dokdo! Who will the pitchers be? I sure hope Korea doesn't start the so-called Japan killer, Kim Kwang Hyun. Japan has killed him. He's just a young fella yet. He'll need at least another year to shoulder that much pressure. Probably a combination of Ryu, Bong and if they're smart, the guy I think has been the second best pitcher for them: Jong Hyun Wook. The Korean coaches just keep bringing him on for a few outs then yanking him for no aparent reason. Maybe he should START! Anyway, this is Yoon.

So now I have to decide what to do NEXT weekend. The Tigers are in town during the week. I think I could catch the Friday game. But I'm thinking of going to Kang Neung because the world Women's Curling Championships are there and the playoffs will be this coming weekend. I'm sure the Canadian Jones team will be in the midst of those. And if memory serves, immediately following Magnolia season in Korea is the beautiful cherry blossom time. Wouldn't it be a great pic to get the Canadian women's curling team to pose with the trophy underneath a big blooming cherry blossom tree! It's tempting.
Anyhoo, if I get that picture I'll be sure to post it here.
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