I've been snorting Otrivin when nasal CLOGGING, (caps for Heather's benefit), has been at its worst but it hasn't done diddly to reduce chest congestion, the half hour morning hackfest or the BUCKETS and BUCKETS, (again caps are for you Duder), of snotrags I've been producing. Nothing has helped me sleep through an entire night either. But yesterday I found another much sought after weapon in the war against the common cold that just might be as useful come the dust days of summer: "hot lemony Neo Citron." Well it's not Neo Citron but like Kleenex is tissue, in my mind Neo Citron is any cold medicine that comes in tea form.
I have been asking at yaks, (drugstores), all over Korea for this stuff for years and lo and behold I find it yesterday when I'm not even looking for it. I went into a yak close to the local supermarket to get some money from its bank machine. As I'm walking towards the machine out of the corner of my eye I caught a new display and sure enough, Theraflu!

I'm even happier about finding this that I was about the hot dog buns a couple weeks back. Sleep is pretty doggone important and when I don't get enough I don't feel like doing anything. I remember taking Neo Citron and being knocked, (the f), out! So last night, even though my symptoms were not at their worst, just because I had it, I made some late night lemon knockout tea. It worked like a charm! I got up at 8:30 today instead of the usual 4 or 5 and I didn't get up one time last night, instead of the usual 4 or 5. I feel great today! Good thing too cuz I have lots of work to do.
Yeah, I decided not to go to Kang Neung for the World Women's Curling Championships. I have quite a bit of copying, attendance making, and lesson planning to do for the upcoming week. Plus, because of the cherry blossom season, it's a nightmarish time to travel in Korea. And I'll save money and I can watch the games on TSN and get a better view and the campus here is just about ready to burst into bloom too and that's always nice to see. These are pics from cherry blossom season a few years ago when Kasia and I were both working here at Seogang.
It gets pretty spectacular around here. And I don't have to clean up all the petals. So I better use all the energy I got from that great sleep last night to get my work done. I gotta make good copies of all my attendance forms. All I have now are lists the kids made by signing a paper I passed around. I've been waiting for department heads to give me pictures of students so I can add them to the attendance but they hang onto their students pictures like I don't know, manhole covers. That doesn't make any cents does it. Har har har. Yehaw, Theraflu! Good drugs! Happy springtime everybody!
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