Ahhh. White Island. It's white. And it's an island. But look at the water. So clear! It makes for great pics like these:

Hey, with any luck I'll be able to fit both of these pics on one line since the one of me is a little scrunched. That's the one I was talking about where I look like a serious snorkeller. I think the volcano on the right is the Old Volcano and the other one might be Hibok Hibok. Not sure. Both of these pics were taken on what would be the convex side of the smiley face shaped strip of white sand that is White Island. On the concave side the snorkelling was much better cuz the water wasn't so rough. It was better for swimming and even windsurfing too. I think other than vendors who sold snacks, beverages and barbecued fish for us, there might have been 5 other people on the island. It was fantastic if you like secluded places to sunbathe. I'm not much of a sunbather so I went out in search of some good underwater species. I particularly like the underwater species in the above left pic! Heh heh heh.

Here are the gals going out to try their hands at windsurfing. The guy on the board is kinda like the caretaker or lifeguard of the island I guess. He was on the board right beside me when I was snorkelling. He told me where the best snorkelling was. I think he was hitting on the girls a little bit. And I think they were probly hitting back a little bit too. He was a nice guy though.
Soon the girls gave up with the sail and just went for a paddle on the board. They went out pretty far and the guy didn't mind too much. Then they decided to pose for a few pics. And I'm glad they did! Know what I'm sayin?

By the time these pics were taken Mal and I were sitting comfortably under one of the blue tarp tents eating snacks and drinking some beverages. We were both too sunburned to do much playing in the sun with the girls. But we were happy to watch. I had finished with my snorkelling and got what I think was my best picture of the elusive clown fish. I saw him chasing all kinds of fish away from his anemone and just stayed in the one spot taking picture after picture until I guessed I had a good one. I didn't get a really GREAT one but I like the one below. It still doesn't have the side view of the clown fish I was after but you can see some of the fish he was chasing away.
Here's a pic of Mally getting grossed out by Shella sucking the fish head. Those CDO girls eat the WHOLE fish lemme tell ya! You can really see the smiley face shape of the island in this pic. And note how deserted it is! Noice!

See how sunburnt Mal is? I was like that too. The girls just got browner. Lucky! The boat behind Shella's head is the kind we took to the island. They look like sailboats but they have motors on them.

And here's Alana eating lunch. I think it was barbecued bangus, (milkfish), some noodles and Chippies. I'm looking skyward and probably doing some number crunching trying to figure out how many more years of working in Korea it'll be before I can just go to the Philippines and not come back. If I ever get myself a diving licence and start seeing how much better the critters are deep below the surface, I think I might just go A.W.O.L. forever. Maybe I WOULD make my living diving for pearls or something. I could probably be a diving instructor. Or maybe I could discover some new species of fish and name them. The Simpsonian Bartfish. The Blue Haired Margerie. Blowfish Homerius. Things like that.
Anyhoo, that was the best vacation I've ever been on in my life! Due to the fact that there were practically no seats available on flights going back to Korea and I had an open ticket, I stayed about 20 days longer than planned, so it was a lot more expensive than I wanted. But I regret nothing! I can always teach some extra classes and do kids camps to make some extra money to make up for it.
Now let's see... my next vacation is in June. I could go back and stay part of June and all of July... There's still stuff to be done on Camaguin. It could happen. Watch for it here.
1 comment:
hi dave
you have sure done a good blog
yes was a great place to be
also great place to have fun
you only forgot 1 place
Pedro,s i will send you some pics so u can add
thanks for good memorys
take care
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