I was always careful not to step on anything alive, fragile, poisonous or things like that. But I did have one little scare. I stepped on something that felt like a piece of glass. But the pain just kept going. I thought I'd better get someone to look for me so I hopped over to Mal and asked what was on the bottom of my foot. And there was this little, tiny crab holding on for dear life. It was cute. I got a pic of him but it's too blurry to include here.

There are just too many to post. But I'll post one last pic. My favourite fish, the clownfish, swam right up to me to say hello. It's hard to get a good pic of them because they are always looking at you and so you can't get the side view with the nice colours. But I like this pic. You can see the sea anemone in the background where he calls home. I wonder why they only allow clown fish in them. Maybe they like them like me. I have other clownfish pics too. But I'll make a new post for White Island.

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