First of all does he often go hiking alone with a security guard? I know he's a public figure but was he THAT famous? And it was pretty dog gone early in the morning to be so worried about being mobbed by adoring, (or not adoring), fans. I think it's probably scumbag businessmen he's worried about more than fans. But I want to know more about this security guard who is presumably tough enough to stop people from killing Roh but not tough enough to stop him from kiling himself. AND who gave him a last cigarette as if he were the firing squad commander. Very suspicious.
I am also kind of puzzled by his selection of location. If I were to kill myself I might do it in nature like that, instead of an office building, but a 30-meter cliff? That's just high enough to break a few bones. And he WASN'T dead until the first response and medical services of Korea, (whose ineptitude I have written about before), got ahold of him. They say it nicely in the article but what they did was they took him to the wrong hospital then had to transfer him again. Par for the course. And brain massage? That might be a genuine medical procedure but it conjures up images of Koreans pounding themselves or each other in injured areas. I wonder what "brain massage" entailed.
They found suicide notes but please, anyone can type a suicide note on someone's computer. I'm thinking of the situation he was in. Here is a president who two of my friends have told me, (spookily enough within the last month!), was one of Korea's best. From what I've heard he actually DID do some things to fight corruption in Korea. That alone would be a very good reason for him to have a security guard with him at all times. And now, (huMONGOUS surprise!), it's been found out that he may have been corrupt himself. Although I don't think a measly 6.4 mil. would even be enough to QUALIFY as corruption here! He'll still be fondly remembered as a relatively squeaky clean politician. To me, a small amount of corruption like that seems more like a hastily manufactured explanation for suicide.
In a country that may be more capitalist than any other, where money is the measure of a man by traditional and modern social ideals, where you'd be more likely to sight Bigfoot than an honest businessman, (and where more people believe the former exists than the latter), politics is gonna be a cesspool of deceit. What if there really WAS a guy who was honest? An uncorruptable politician who made it to the presidency and made it harder for dishonest, not-so-hard-working guys to steal a buck. Or a won. What would you do with a guy like that. You'd try realy hard to pass the money disease on to him of course. But if that failed, you'd make him look like he was corrupt. Just so nobody else thinks there can be such a thing as an honest politician in Korea and no future Roh Moo Hyun admirers will rise up to disrupt the well oiled capitalist corruption machine that is the Korean economy. And then just so he can't defend himself against the corruption charges, (or reveal anything that might reveal real corruption on YOUR part), you'd rub him out. Really, in a place like this how hard would it be to corrupt, say, a body guard or an ambulance driver or a doctor?
Maybe I've been watching too much CSI but I have a feeling there's more to this than meets the public eye. I said earlier that we may not have heard the last of this but on second thought even if this IS all an elaborate assassination of a former president, I doubt anyone will ever know. Intriguing though. It may not be the Kennedy assassination but I bet they'll make a movie soon.
At any rate, I may be the last guy in the country to hear about it. One of the reasons is that for the second time in two years my damn TV blew up! How can that happen to one guy so often? This time it wasn't as smoky an explosion but it set off a kind of alarm and it wouldn't stop beeping until I unplugged the TV. That is not easily done since in any room here you are VERY lucky to have more than one electrical outlet so behind every stick of furniture and appliances are tangles of dusty, disgusting extension chords. I had to go through all that to find the TV plug, which eventually required me to move the TV, a big cabinet full of stuff, a table and the fridge. By the time I'd done all that a fuse had blown and everything on one side of my room was powerless including my fridge, cable TV box, Wii, computer, toaster, and microwave.
The top plug in the outlet was the only one with anything in it. And it had a series of extension chords that lead to all the things listed above. It was burnt out. I couldn't get any power from it. So just for kicks I tried plugging into the BOTTOM plug. It worked. I tell you, OINK!
So now I have a big TV on the floor in my room. I have no idea how to throw it away and I have a feeling I might have to pay for it if I do. I doubt I'll be able to fenagle a new one out of the college. At least not till re-contracting time. AND I can't watch Kia Tiger games any more. Although I may just become a Lotte Giant fan if things continue the way they're going with the Tigers.
I went to the game on Friday with a Kasia, Maria and another couple of friends. The game on Thursday was yet another frustrating effort for the Tigers. Or for the Tigers coaches to be exact. It was 10-10 in the 6th inning. It was 10-6 but my fave player Son Young Min gave up 2 runs then a couple other pitchers gave up two more all in the L.G. Twins half of the 6th inning. In the bottom of the 6th Kia's lead-off hitter got on. So OF COURSE, IN A 10-10 ballgame! In the 6th inning!!! Sacrifice bunt. God I hate that pussy baseball. And I'm positive the Kia players do too. Then the next Kia batter walked. The next guy got a hit, the next guy got a hit and Kia had three runs before the next two guys got out. There was a shot of Tiger coach Jo Beom Hyun in the dugout clapping about it like he had been the cause of it. The fact if he hadn't sacrificed they'd still have two guys on base with two out. But he'll never understand that.
So it's 13-10 and Yoon Seok Min comes out for the 9th. He's the best pitcher in Korean baseball being wasted as the closer for Kia. He proceeds to allow two runners on. Then the LG coach applies some Jo baseball and tries to bunt the two runners over. HELLO? You're down by 3 runs!!! Best pitcher in the league? So the bunt goes right to Yoon, the pitcher who fields it with loads of time to throw to third and get the lead runner, a double play or even a TRIPLE play. He double clutches then throws the ball two feet out of the reach of the third baseman. This is a pitcher who makes his living throwing the ball with pinpoint accuracy. I think he might have done it on purpose. Again I was kind of glad because I don't want Yoon Seok Min to do TOO well as the closer because then it would make a collossally stupid coaching move look good. Maybe that's Yoon's thinking too and I support it if it is. Again it's a conspiracy theory of mine and I don't think we will ever know.
BUT perhaps as punishment??? the next night, (when we went), there were only three regular starters on the field for the Tigers and the pitcher was a guy, (Lee Dae Jin), who hasn't been in the starting rotation since the opening week of the season and I don't think he'd pitched since then. Now okay, maybe Jo was resting guys because the Thursday game went into extra innings and it took 6 hours before the final 13-13, which is a loss for both clubs. One of the few things I hate about Korean baseball. But I don't know because the next night, the game I couldn't watch because my TV blew up, Jo throws out three guys who are even WORSE! The starter hasn't pitched all year. He went 2 innings with a 27 ERA. One of the guys who relieved him was a guy who Jo threw out there the previous week who got shelled for 3 runs in 1 1/3 for a 20 ERA and yesterday he pitched for a 15 ERA. Getting better!
Now I'm all for giving the new guys a chance but the way the Tigers are hitting these days they could field half decent pitchers and get wins. Jo isn't even doing that. He's managing to mess up the best thing his team has going for it: starting pitching. But the Tigers continue to win despite him. I just hate seeing a good team being managed into mediocrity. Still think Jo must go. Maybe today he'll choose one of the back-up catchers to pitch. I'll have to go to the game to find out...
Here's Kasia and Maria with Soju Man.
Here they are looking pretty bored, (cuz they WERE), in the 6th inning after Kia fell behind 7-2 and Jo kept the best players on the bench. They decided to leave and I don't know if I was mad or bored but I left with them. The final was 8-3. I've never left a game early until that one. I think I'll go today but I might leave early if this coaching nonsense continues.
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