9 Sil finds out too late he is the first new patient in years for Dr. Kervorkian.

8 Anthony Junior becomes the boss... at a local Toys "R" Us.

7 Meadow enrolls in law school and busts entire family as homework assignment.
3 The "safe"house Tony's gang is holed up in turns out to be one of Carmella's spec houses, which she burns for insurance purposes accidentally killing everyone.

2 Tony gets an extra long lapdance and, BA DA BING, heart attack.
And the number one surprise in the Sopranos Final Episode: Tony gets whacked...

Wish me luck.
By the way, I don't know who signed that autograph beside Stewie but it should be Fran Doyle. Sorry bout that, Fran. Liars, cheaters and stealers always prosper eh?
These are good. I mean, I think these are good. I don't actually know since I've never seen the show. Did you get any on Letterman?
I love the name Leotardo, though. I'm thinking he should go by 'tardo. Hee hee!
Btw, I just had to tell ya, I love the new pic! It's awesome. Although, you do look a smidge Korean in it. But, after all that time spent there, I think YOU are actually starting to look a smidge Korean.
And yes, I too have trouble with pics on blogger. Hence I'm leaving and going to Wordpress!
Those are great Dave! I'll be checking to see how many you get on Letterman.
I just signed up on your blog website (you have to be a member in order to leave comments.)
Keep writing your blog. I really enjoy reading it.
Hey Cor. Good to hear from you. And it's always so nice to get comments. It keeps me going. Did you see the finale? What a lame ending! Although I DID enjoy Phil's demise. He's bugged me for a couple seasons. "Say good bye to Grampa." Not ONE of my ideas was right though! Dang!
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