So I reckoned I'd start this post with a couple pics that will make for a lighter mood. Is that great or what? The Simpsons will never be beat for coolness. Unless they make a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. Nah, still not as cool. A little history here: I like that they have Marge as Ringo. She actually was a big fan of his and painted his picture. She wrote him a letter and sent him the painting, which he liked. MANY years later his reply to her letter reached her just as she was questioning her talent as a painter. I believe Ringo called the painting, "fab". That's when Marge got the courage to paint the nude Burns. And Bart with the smoke, (or 'fag' "in the parlance of our times", (Jeffrey, "Dude", Lebowsky, and Maude Lebowsky, no relation), Homer with the John Lennon shoulder turn. Simpsons RULE!!!!
I got these pics from Facebook. I think my blog is gonna suffer because of Facebook. It's a real time waster. But I like it. And speaking of wasting time, that's pretty much what I've been doing for the last little while when not working. I'll go out and walk in the heat of the night sometimes but it's not much fun. Last night was the first night in a couple months I went out for a walk and enjoyed it again. It was a little bit cooler than usual. So by the end of the walk I was taking unnecessary stairs, jumping to touch overhanging tree branches, jogging a bit, and even had dry spots on my shirt! I was NOT exhausted like I usually am on the hot walks. PLUS I saw a band from Bolivia down at the waterfront. They were really great. Playing guitars, bamboo flutes of all sizes, shakers, bongos and singing in nice harmony.
There was a huge crowd at a barge that was all lit up and it was playing just off shore. The speakers were right on the path though and much too loud. It was the normal, Korean, made for teenage girl pop music lip synching crap with dozens of back-up dancers. It wasn't just teenage girls in the crowd though. I've seen fifty blues, rock, jazz, folk etc. bands in Korea that could blow that band literally out of the water. But they're like purple cars here: not very popular. Cars with ANY colour for that matter. So it was kinda nice to be watching the better band with the smaller crowd. But I couldn't stop walking for too long or the mosquitoes would find me. Only stayed for a couple songs.
I've been trying to walk as much as possible lately. I tried on a size 40 pair of pants that didn't fit. Thing is, I'm actually working normal hours these days. Like a normal job I mean. I leave the house at 8 and get home at 5. And I'm soaking through a few shirts a day so there's nothing like a cold brew when I get home. Or two. Or three. Or fore. Or fve. Or sex. he he he he he he. So by the time I eat supper and sober up it's the guilt that gets me off my arse and out to walk. And I don't think I am winning here. I think I'm still taking on more calories than I'm burning even with the gallons of sweat every day. As I type this I'm on my third beer and the air is cooling down a bit. It's nearly 7 so I think I'm gonna have some pork roast and veggies soon. Then it's off to the waterfront. I think it's the last day of the "maritime" festival here so we'll see what's doin' down there. I hope to see the Bolivians again.
"If your Uncle Jack helped you off an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off an elephant?" TM.
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