Well, this is gonna cost me, but I figured I'd update things here on the old blog. And the first thing I probably should do is update the title of this here thing eh? I'm no longer in Korea so Korean chronicles these entries will no longer be. I gotta put some thought into this.
The reason it's costing me is I'm at a computer cafe right now paying Canadian, (not MUCH cheaper Korean), prices. But it's okay. There are two really cute girls working here and the food is good. Speaking of that, OH MY GOD Magnum!!! The food is great here! I always forget the little things. I hope I can maintain the attitude of appreciation for the stuff I was missing while in Korea. But like most things it'll probably wear off after a couple months. But I have been eating great! Made a pizza, lasagna, potato salad, Kraft Dinner, (a couple times), smokies and the list goes on... I forgot how nice it was to eat an apple, a SWEET apple, that's the right size and doesn't have to be peeled or cut up or eaten with a fork. And oranges! They're great here! I've had about a dozen different kinds of bread too! 5-grain, 7-grain, 12-grain, whole grain, migraine, grain! Don't think I've even had a slice of white bread.
And the air. Who even thinks about air? It's so much better! I've been actually detoxing for a couple weeks. Sneezing, coughing, crapping Korea right outta my system. The water RIGHT OUTTA THE TAP is better than the bottled stuff I had to pay for in Korea. And when I look around, just look around, I can always see something that was missing while I was languishing in Asia. GOD it's nice to be back! Just look at the pics at the top of this page. The one is just a normal Monday morning in Smithers. The other is a shot of the house I used to live in. It's been redone. Looks pretty nice.
And here's
a pic of a blue bird I saw on my ramblings this morning. Pretty cool eh?
I've seen two moose, a few deer and about 50 bald eagles. The other day I was just off the highway near a lumber store and came within about 10 yards of a 6 deer. Five just cruised along but one of them gave me a look. He might have wanted to come a little closer. For what I am not too sure. But he eventually hightailed it outta there with the rest.
As for the battle of the bulge, I told everybody I'd be slimming down when I got here and that's already the case. I've probably lost a good 20 lbs. Not kidding! I'm down to 250 and am walking probably 5 or 10 Km. every day and going to the gym 3 times a week. Today after I finish this I'm gonna go look at trucks at the dealerships in town and then go to the pool for a gym and swim. I'll be back in fighting shape in no time flat!
And I have an interview at 4 today for a night auditor job at the Hudson Bay Lodge. I am not really sure what I'll be doing there but it'll be gainful employment. Something I haven't experienced for quite some time! And there are a couple massive work projects happening around here in the near future. I'll probably get in on some of that work and before I know it I'll be making enough money to save up for the teacher's certification course I wanna take. Then after a couple years I may actually be teaching for real and in a for real school! That'll be nice.
I've run into a few of my old friends here and am making new ones. I think I'll be set up here with a truck and my own place pretty soon too. And I won't have to get screwed by my boss and immigration on a yearly basis. Just the tax man. But I'll blow up THAT bridge when I get to it.
If you have any suggestions for a blog title, don't be afraid to post.